Siberian Larch


The wood is moderately durable and subject to insect attack. The heartwood is resistant and the sapwood moderately resistant to preservative treatment.

Mechanical Properties:

Air dried timber is about 50% harder than Baltic redwood, and slightly stronger in bending strength and toughness, and similar properties in crushing and impact strengths.


Larch dries fairly rapidly with a tendency to distort and for knots to split and loosen. It may be kiln dried very satisfactorily. There is small movement in service.


  • Pit props, posts, transmission poles, piles, boat planking, exterior work in contact with the ground
  • Door and window frames, flooring, staircases, ship building
  • As larch is harder an tougher than most conifers, it is used in preference where durability and strength are prime requirements
  • Sliced as decorative veneers
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The resinous heartwood is pale red-brown to brick red in colour, with clearly marked annual rings. The wood is straight grained, contains knots, and has a fine uniform texture. Weight about 590 kg/m³ (37 lb/ft³); specific gravity .59.

Additional information

Latin Name

Larix decidua

Family Name



Europe, particularly the mountain areas of the Alps, UK, W. Russia

Also know as

Mill syn. L. europaea, D.C