Modified Timber
Thermo Ayous
Thermo-Ayous is a heat-treated hardwood. Ayous is a light coloured African hardwood. It is created using a chemical-free, heat-treating process. The appearance and colour of the wood largely depend on the amount of time the wood spends in the kiln. Generally the longer the heat exposure, the darker the colour of the wood. The timber is clear and virtually knot free.
Thermo Radiata Pine
Thermo Radiata Pine ® is a heat-treated timber, usually made from Radiata Pine grown in New Zealand. It is created using a chemical-free, heat-treating process. The appearance and colour of the wood largely depend on the amount of time the wood spends in the kiln. Generally the longer the heat exposure, the darker the colour of the wood. The timber is generally free of knots and has an attractive grain pattern
Thermo Redwood
Thermowood® is a heat-treated timber, usually made from Scandinavian softwoods. It is created using a chemical-free, heat-treating process. Pine and spruce is subjected to heat of approximately 180 - 230 degrees celsius within a chamber kiln for up to 96 hours. Steam is used as a protective gas in order to protect the wood and prevent splitting. This process changes the internal structure of the wood, drying it out to make it more stable and durable. Thermowood has a density of 350 - 480 kg/m3. The appearance and colour of the wood largely depend on the amount of time the wood spends in the kiln. Generally the longer the heat exposure, the darker the colour of the wood.