European Hardwoods
CND Beech
European Beech's heartwood is very pale pink-brown. It is common practice on the continent to steam the timber which turns it to a reddish-brown tone. Some logs have a dark red kern or darker veining. Beech has a straight grain and fine, even texture. Average weight 720 kg/m³ (45 lb/ft³); specific gravity .72.
Croatian Black Walnut
Croatian Black Walnut's heartwood is a rich dark brown to purplish-black, mostly straight grained, but with wavy or curly grain occasionally present. The texture is rather coarse. Weight averages 640 kg/m³ (40 lb/ft³); specific gravity .64.
European Ash
The heartwood of European Ash is typically cream to pale tan coloured. In some logs, a dark brown to black heartwood is found which is strong and sound and sold as olive ash timber. The wood is tough, flexible and straight grained. The texture is coarse but even. The weight varies between 510-830 kg/m³ (32-51 lb/ft³), average 710 kg/m³ (44 lb/ft³); specific gravity .71.We have sawn ash timber to suit all requirements. To enquire or for more information, please call 01455 209121.
European Elm
European elm timber is a tough wood that has a closed texture, is twisted in the grain and has a conferring resistance to splitting. Marked distortion may however occur during seasoning. Whilst sapwood of European elm tends to be creamy in colour, the heartwood is a reddish-brown. It also contains clusters of pip-knots within this reddish brown which attractively figure the wood, enhancing its overall appearance. It has an approximate density of 550 kg/m3.
European Lime
A subtle shade of yellow-white in colour European lime wood is straight-grained and useful for a variety of applications that do not require significant strength. Lime timber has a fine, firm and close texture and is a very easily worked wood that does not split. Weight averages 540 kg/m³ (34 lb/ft³)For more information or to buy lime wood from Whitmore’s Timber, please contact our knowledgeable team.
European Oak
European Oak's heartwood is light tan to biscuit coloured, usually straight-grained, but irregular or cross-grained material can occur depending on growth conditions. Characteristic silver grain figure on quartered surfaces due to broad rays. British and Baltic oaks are tough and hard, weighing 720 kg/m³ (45 lb/ft³), but the Volhynian oak of south east Poland, and even milder oak from Yugoslavia known as Slavonian oak weights 670 kg/m³ (42 lb/ft³); specific gravity from .67 to .72 according to type.
European Sycamore
European Sycamore is a temperate hardwood that is creamy in colour. With sycamore wood there is no colour difference between the sapwood and it’s heartwood. Sycamore timber is white, or yellowish-white when freshly cut, with a natural lustre especially noticeable on quarter-sawn surfaces. Sycamore is generally straight grained but may be curvy or wavy grained, and the texture is fine. The average weight is 630 kg/m³ when dried. It is also one of the hardest and strongest pines in existence making it resistant to wear and decay.
European Walnut
European walnut timber is more readily available than other walnut lumber, however, some European variants such as English Walnut are also harder to access. This is partly because English-grown walnut timber is deemed to be some of the best available anywhere which has led to increased demand, while English walnut is also not grown commercially.European walnut timber is generally brown/yellow in colour but the shade of the wood can vary, while the heartwood can range from grey to brown.The steaming process evens the colour between the heart and sapwood.The price of walnut wood can vary, although it can be more expensive than other hardwoods. At Whitmore’s, we can offer walnut timber for sale at a more affordable price than other traders, as we cut out the middleman and supply our timber directly to our customers.If you’d like to buy walnut wood or require further information, please contact us.
Lebanon Cedar
The Cedar of Lebanon tree is a light reddish colour, with creamy coloured sapwood. Soft and easy to work with, but also brittle. Obtainable in large sizes of up to 36” wide, but normally very knotty (these can be small black knots or large firm knots, which vary from the size of a penny to a cricket ball). Lebanon cedar has a sweet smell and can be very decorative with a variety of grain and knots.
Steamed Beech
European Beech's heartwood is very pale pink-brown. It is common practice on the continent to steam the timber which turns it to a reddish-brown tone. Some logs have a dark red kern or darker veining. Beech has a straight grain and fine, even texture. Average weight 720 kg/m³ (45 lb/ft³); specific gravity .72.
Sweet Chestnut
Sweet Chestnut's sapwood is narrow, distinct from the heartwood which is yellowish-brown in colour, closely resembling oak in appearance, but lacking the silver-grain figure characteristic of that timber, resulting from the finer rays. European Sweet Chestnut is a stable, straight grained and hard-wearing timber species (when the sapwood is excluded).The grain may be straight, but is more commonly spiral, particularly in timber from old trees, while logs are liable to cup and ring-shake. It weighs about 560 kg/m³ when dried. On account of its somewhat acidic character chestnut tends to accelerate the corrosion of metals, particularly when moist. It also contains tannin, as a result of which blue-black discolourations are prone to appear on the wood when it comes into contact with iron or iron compounds.
Swiss Pear
Pear's heartwood is pinkish-brown in colour with very fine rays and pores, straight grained and a very fine and even texture. Weight about 700 kg/m³ (44 lb/ft³); specific gravity .70.
White Beech
European Beech's heartwood is very pale pink-brown. It is common practice on the continent to steam the timber which turns it to a reddish-brown tone. Some logs have a dark red kern or darker veining. Beech has a straight grain and fine, even texture with a knot-free appearance. Derived from European trees, White Beech has a good all-round strength equivalent to oak but has superior bending properties and stiffness.Average weight 720 kg/m³ (45 lb/ft³); specific gravity .72.