



  • American Black Cherry

    Cherry's heartwood varies from rich red to reddish-brown, with a fine, straight, close grain with narrow brown pith flecks and small gum pockets, and with a smooth texture. Weighs about 580 kg/m³ (36 lb/ft³); specific gravity .58.

  • Lebanon Cedar

    The Cedar of Lebanon tree is a light reddish colour, with creamy coloured sapwood. Soft and easy to work with, but also brittle. Obtainable in large sizes of up to 36” wide, but normally very knotty (these can be small black knots or large firm knots, which vary from the size of a penny to a cricket ball). Lebanon cedar has a sweet smell and can be very decorative with a variety of grain and knots.

  • Swiss Pear

    Pear's heartwood is pinkish-brown in colour with very fine rays and pores, straight grained and a very fine and even texture. Weight about 700 kg/m³ (44 lb/ft³); specific gravity .70.

  • Western Red Alder

    Western Red Alder's heartwood is pale yellow to reddish-brown in colour. Fairly straight grained and of uniform texture; it shows a pleasing but subdued figure. Weight about 530 kg/m³ (33 lb/ft³); specific gravity .53.